Apple released the iPhone 11 Pro and the iPhone 11 Pro max theirs four colors. Now with an all-new midnight green that I have here on the 11pro and I have space grey on the 11pro max now these start at $9.99 for the 11pro or add about $100 for the max size of the pro and then it goes all the way up to 1449 and you can get 64 256 or 512 gigabytes of storage I picked up the iPhone 11 Pro in the new midnight green color. Then I picked up the 11 Pro max in space gray color for my personal use. If you look at the side of the box here you can see that they v matched the color of the phone to the logo or the word iPhone so midnight green and Space Gray now I got the midnight green iPhone 11 in 64 gigabytes and then I got the 11pro max in 256 gigabytes.

This will be my phone most of the time, so lets go ahead and open them up here and this here the boxes do not feel as snug, and that not a big deal but they don't feel as snug as they used to so we'll move the tables aside, and you see there backward this year the cameras are facing up. They have cutouts for them, and here are both colors together, so this space gray. I'm happy I went with this look fantastic, and I'm not one for drama. Still, really, it looks much better than the older Space Gray. I prefer in this matte color quite a bit more now let's unbox these together well look at the phones in just a moment. You'll see they re not much different here as far as the boxes you've just got different size sand then inside you've got a little pamphlet that says hello you've got a Sim card removal tool a warranty card and then some Apple stickers now the right thing.
Charger Quality
Apple has finally included a faster charger in the box now this is not incredibly power like you get with a Galaxy Note 10 but this is the 18 watt charger that you get with the iPad Pro models that is that USB c2 lightning and I usually use this charger for my iPhone XS Max you ve also got a pair of air pods or ear pods instead with Lightning connectors and then you 've also got again that lightning to USB C connector so this is something I'm glad I'm getting more of these.
Because this is what I use most of the time lets set these aside now the phones themselves are made out of stainless steel and then its a matte frosted glass on the back, and then it gets classy here around the camera this is all one piece of glass so I downtown if you can see it. Still, its one piece of glass that continuous over the edge so if you crack the back of this it will crack up through the camera but not to the cameras themselves as they have a steel ring around them so lets take a look at both of these colors you'll see I think they look pretty good they're very close although theirs a hint of green it just depends on son the lighting that you have but overall their very very close lets go ahead and flip them over and take a loo to know for a quick size comparison let me bring in a couple of other phones here is my iPhone XS Max this is my regular daily phone. Then we have the new iPhone 11, and then we have.
The iPhone X so this gives you a size comparison now the 11 and 11 Pro Max
Aare actually the thickest here other than the 11 so the new 11s are more abundant than the older phones, and in fact the 11 and 11 Pro Max are more massive than their previous versions due to a little bit of extra thickness and more battery, so we 've got six-point six three ounces with the iPhone 11 Pro or a hundred and eighty-eight grams and seven-point nine seven ounces or 226 grams for the iPhone 11 pro max. You can feel the weight difference between the 11 Pro Max and the XS Max. It's not vast. Still, you can definitely feel the difference no was far as the button layout goes the buttons are slightly different the XS Max you can see has the power button that's somewhat higher than the 11pro max on the other side the 11pro max is volume buttons and silence which are also a little bit lower on both of the devices you'll see the bottom is very similar. Then the top should also be very identical now the same is true forth 11 pro again the power button is a little bit lower and the volume and buttons and silence which are a little bit lower the antenna lines look the same and the bottom.
It looks the same as I said. This isn't an X, not an XS. Still, the bottom looks the same as an XS now inside of these is both a 13 processor with 4 gigabytes of RAM, and you may say that's not enough. Still, with iOS, it seems to be enough with the iPad Pro that's what it has is 4 gigabytes of Ram and it appears to be plenty for that device, and I use that every day and I like it now let's go ahead and turn this on and take.
Look at this new display, and these are the new super Retina XDR displays
There we go, and the super Retina XDR is brighter basically they're sustained 800 nits and then bursts up to 1200 nits for HDR content so it should look really good if your playing HDR movies now the 5.8 inch display on the iPhone is 24 36 by 1125 with a pixel density of 458 pixels per inch the 11 pro max is 6.5 inches with 2688 by 1200 and forty-two pixels with again 458 pixels per inch they both have a 2 million to 1 contrast ratio which is pretty crazy now they are both haptic touch this year so lets go ahead and slide these up Ill bring a different phone near. It will begin to set it up now I'm going to set these up as new and then restore them later with all of my data since these are actually on iOS 13 brand-new and since I do a lot of beta tests my XS Max is actually on 13.1 so in order to do that you actually have to upgrade these phones after setting it up as new upgraded to 13.1 erase it.
Then you can restore a backup its kind of a pain you won't have to do this if you re watching this after the 24th of September so it depends on when you re watching it but after that you should be good to go unless you're running one of the iOS betas so well go ahead and set up face ID, so I don't want to transfer any data like I said so I'll just do this for now well agree to the terms Ill let continue Ill install the updates manually i Message and Face Time app analytics you can either choose that or not to do standard or zoomed continue switch between apps its just telling me how to use it and then welcome to iPhone and now we're on the home screen these displays have haptic touch they no longer have 3d touch so its a long press so when you press on it just pres sand hold its not a huge deal. However, it is a haptic touch. A lot of the features are still there that we had before they don't work the same its more of a long press that's based on how long you hold your finger there now let's take.
Look at some of the new wallpapers I know a lot of you are anxious to see if we have any so lets go to wallpaper choose new wallpaper and we have some new live wallpapers so here's one we can press and hold its a cute beautiful live wallpaper or we have dark mode as well so if I turn mysterious way on these will change so let me show you the difference here so I have the wallpapers on the 11pro Max in a wicked idea and then in light mode on the 11proif we go to the same wallpaper you'll see it doesn't look too much different. Still, it is a little bit darker on the pro-Maxso lets back out here, and well switches over to lets set this wallpaper. Then I'll set the green one for the 11 now with the new a 13 processor there should be better performance, but the big focus on that was actually battery and efficiency however let's check how much RAM we have using Geek bench its the same on both phones, but let's see what.
We have got, and we have three point six seven gigabytes basically four gigabytes is what it's showing according to Geek bench, so both phones have the same it should be excellent like I before now lets talk about the most significant change and that is the cameras on the back now as far as camera modes are concerned you'll see once we go into it tells us some new things capture outside the frame new shutter button so well hit continue. Lets put the phone in the background. If we zoom out now, we've got ultra-wide, so you can see the desk behind with the iMac Pro back there, and then if we zoom back in, you'll see there's the phone. Then we can assume again with the telephoto lens so its pretty lovely there with portrait mode we also have a portrait camera with that new critical light mono setting and then if I spin it around you'll see here it puts white in the background instead of black, so we had stage light stage like mono now we have a white experience as well the most significant change is with the cameras. The forward-facing camera gets a big update, and this carries across all iPhone 11 lines with the forward-facing camera we've got a new 12 megapixel F 2.2 camera with a broader lens, so we capture more in the shot and again if we go into portrait and lets go out of this portrait mode here we go back maybe you go-to photo, and we can zoom out. We get more of what's around us, so it looks pretty good overall the camera is where we see the most significant upgrade we have an all-new 12-megapixel sensor for each one of the new lenses and then on top.
We have a normal wide-angle lens with an F 1.8 aperture below that we have a telephoto with an F2.0 and then we have an ultra wide F 2.4 with a hundred and 20 degree field of view now the wide-angle or the ultra wide isn't stabilized but the other two lenses are stabilized but you typically dont really need stabilization with the ultra wide you also have a brighter to true tone flash above all of those now all four cameras can record in 4k 60p which is really impressive the forward facing camera included but the rear cameras get 4k 60 with extended dynamic range last year we only got that at 30 frames per second the forward facing camera can do 4k 60 but 4k 30 with extended dynamic range now as far as everything else thats new they have better speakers apparently with better surround sound or a wider sound overall on both devices and then heres the big one that I think a lot of people will be interested in both phones have larger batteries and that means your going to get up to four hours more battery than you did over the XS with the iPhone 11Pro and the 11 Pro max should get 5 hours more battery close to a four thousand milliamp hour battery and you should get about five hours more now Im not sure how Apple measured that but they should be a lot better you also have better ip68 certification for waterproofing so thats good if you know what happened with my iPhone XS Max and it actually needing to be replaced because of that it should help if it gets dunked in the water and finally the texture of this just holding this during the video its really nice to hold if you dont put it in a case and even though this camera looks like its sunk down in kind of the way they've done the the curves and the way the glass is its actually sticking up but its not as much as you would think so it doesn't really stick up much past the back compared to even the XS Max here its not.
Protruding out the back too much so its not as much as you would think so it actually feels like its a little thinner than the XS Max's far as the camera bump is concerned but not the phone overall so display wise these look fantastic so far Ill have to use them like I said over the next week or so to do a full review but let me know your thoughts in the comments below and then finally to see how good these cameras are Ill wrap the video up recording with these cameras and their internal mic just to.
How well they are Ill record from the back and the front and well just do a quick comparison thats it for the un boxing of the iPhone 11 Pro and 11 pro max Im recording with the front-facing camera of the 11 Pro in 4k and also using the internal microphone so let me know how you think it compares to the beginning of the video where I was actually using a Panasonic s1 which should be much clearer than this now Im recording with the rear cameras on the 11 Pro max solet me know how these are for you in the comments below as well Id love to hear your take on it and if you think its worth updating to an iPhone 11:11 pro or pro max so if you'd like to get your hands on this wallpaper though Ill link it in the description below and if you haven't subscribed already please subscribe and hit that notification bell if you'd like to see more of these videos as soon as they're released if you enjoyed the video please give it a like as always thanks for watching Ill see you next time
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